Steps to follow as shown below:
- To create new user login with 'Admin' user.
- Go to Site Admin > System Configuration > User and then click on AddClick
- Add User page appears on the screen as shown below:
3. Enter the required details:
4. Select the Plant from the list display at right hand side as shown in above image
- User Permissions – This feature allows/denies access to widgets and reports for an individual user. Each widget and report have a permission key associated with it, which is an unique code of three characters like 'DTR' for 'Down Time Report' to identify the feature.
To assign permission to a user, select the permission key displayed in the left-hand side list box and click on > button. To add all the permissions in one go, click on >> button.
To remove permission for a user, select the permission key displayed in the right-hand side list box and click on < button. To remove all the permissions in one go, click on << button.
Help text is provided when placing the mouse over the three character codes.
5. If the user name already exists then an error message is displayed.